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Portrait Presets by Lowfield
With recent clients such as Taylor Swift, Pharrell Williams, & more.
"I'm quite pleased with this collection. I own presets from several other companies and these are my new favorites! Well done." - John R.
"OMG these are amazing. I had never used overlays until now but now I'll never be able to look back." Sarah I
Photoshop 25+
Photoshop (Older CS6+)
Elements (15+)
Important: Please select your software format from the dropdown above!
Our Perfect Portraits Collection allows you to fully adjust brightness, temperature, color, skin tones, and make-up - all with the click of a button. Realistically retouched skin? Click. Change outfit color? Click. Perfect lighting? Click. Fully customize each of your portraits with this essential collection of 28 actions for Photoshop or PS Elements, along with the Luxe 40 action toolkit.
28 Perfect Portrait Actions
9 Model Retouching: Skin (Soften With Texture), Skin (Soften without Texture), Skin (Glamour Soft), Eyes (Enhance & Whiten), Teeth (Brilliant Smile), Lip (Soft Color, Bold Color), Cheeks (Blush), Eyebrows (Fill)
5 Color Adjustments: Complete Color Changer, Mute Color (Brush, Selection), Boost Color (Brush, Selection)
4 Lighting Brushes: Highlights (Pop, Tone Down), Shadows (Darken, Brighten)
10 Skin Tone Brushes: Dodge & Burn, Color Boost (Mute, Soft, Medium), Remove (Reds, Oranges, Yellows, Greens, Blues, Magentas)
Luxe 40 Action Toolkit
3 Quick Access Items: Duplicate Image, Flatten All Layers, Flatten All Layers to New Layer
21 General Workflow: Auto Histogram Fix, Exposure (Increase, Decrease), Contrast (Increase, Decrease), Depth Contrast, Highlight (Booster, Dimmer, Recovery), Midtone (Booster, Dimmer), Shadow (Booster, Cruncher, Recovery), Temperature (Warmer, Cooler), Saturation (Increase, Decrease), Haze (Add, Remove), Dodge & Burn
6 Grain Actions: Normal Grain (Low, Medium, High), Film Grain (Low, Medium, High)
10 Final Sharpening Actions: Basic & Pro LAB: Full Size, 2500px, 1500px, 750px, 72dpi (Web)
A big shout out to our featured photographers: Anka Melnikova, Stella Dontu, Iain Waterston, Liz Straight, Kristen Pawloski, Tara Rochelle, Anna Volkovich, Christa Gable-Smothers, Jessica Kelley, Carrie Hampton, Elizabeth Russo, Smitten & Swoon, Rachel Keohane, Tasha Boin, Shiloh Colleen, Lucki Malloy Photography, and Melissa Cuskelly.